Wilson came with Bert, my ex. He helped Bert survive the end of a relationship for a couple years before I showed up. He was our mutual best friend for six years until his health troubles overtook him. RIP sweetest boy.

Goofy fella. Sticks his head out car window whether it’s 25 degrees or 85! (I draw a line at under 25 and over 85 but he is not happy about it.) Would not harm the smallest thing (at least not on purpose). Likes to say hi to strangers but prefers to keep it to a short interaction generally.
Toki was named Buttons when we got him, but I had picked out the name Toki and it suits him entirely. The full name Toki Wartooth comes from a terrible cartoon about a heavy metal band (Metalocalypse), but Toki is the sweet, naive guitarist character, without guile. Toki the dog was an only dog for about 5 months before we adopted Dexter.

We moved out on our own and the owner of my construction office agreed to let them come to the office every day. It is a perk of enormous value and I know I am lucky

My grumpy loyal friend, gone suddenly and too soon. I made an overly long remembrance video for Dexter and put it on YouTube.
RIP Dexter, miss you lots.

So many haircuts! Expensive. May purchase clippers and give it a try, but these two are squirmy. Fortunately we do not demand perfect hair in this household. I will say I told myself no more longhair dogs but then adopted Stella anyway. :-)

Stella gets away with LOADS , partly due to genetic cuteness overload. Has Toki wrapped around her tiny paw and has stolen most hearts at the office as well.
Wow this post is way too long but I’m hoping it may help me get back to a really big painting I started last year, and which includes all four puppers listed above.
Hopefully next time (and soon), I’ll work on and post the painting, whether finished or still in progress. Thanks for dropping in… and making it to the end!