On the off chance you’re here to find out about the third January painting I teased in the last post, “Phoebe in the Aisle of Eyes”, I am sorry to report that painting was a dud. However, I finished my favorite painting to date over a number of days. This one:

Here are the rest of my results from Paint Every Day, January 1-30, 2023.

Top Left: Louise, After the Recital
Results: The first painting (blue critter, above), and the last painting (at the top of this post), were the only ones I managed to finish. I had hoped to finish a painting a day but it turns out that goal might not work for me.
I have some paintings to finish for February. We’ll see how that goes.
Thanks for visiting!
Haha, I feel for this guy! Especially like the look in his eyes and the clingy critters.