A Hat, A Girl, A Greyhound, in Acrylics

It is Day 28 of the 30 Day Painting Challenge!

A Hat, a Girl, a Greyhound
5″ x 7″ Acrylics on canvas board

Another one sort of finished but not really! I think a pale blue filmy veil hanging off the top section of this crazy hat (in back) might be nice… or might not! Maybe some wallpaper. I just could not decide what to put in the picture frame so I left it. Perhaps it’s an interior window to a pink kitten room. Or the place they keep the cotton candy machine.

Thanks so much to everyone from the 30-Day challenge who has visited and left a note, and everyone else, too. Stay warm out there, particularly if you’re experiencing this rough winter!

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11 thoughts on “A Hat, A Girl, A Greyhound, in Acrylics

  1. mimi boothby

    yes, the cotton candy factory. and she looks like her hat is making her TIRED and that dog is being a bit rude with his nose!

    we’re almost done, and now because of you I am contemplating the 29 faces challenge. EEEK

    1. The Beast Tender Post author

      Haha! Not a bad idea. I wonder if I’ll go back to any of these after the end of the challenge.

  2. Sandy Sandy

    LOVE this one with the matching eyes, Cindy! Maybe the frame could be a mirror with the backs of their heads? :-D Keep up the great work and thanks for all the comments you’ve been so kindly leaving on my blog! xo Sandy

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