Totally ran out of time! I would have liked to do a lot more finishing. As well as add that spiral staircase sketched out on the left (below). Alas! For “Book” at Illustration Friday. I was seriously excited about this topic (and there are SO many awesome entries). But it turns out a bookshelf is not as easy a thing as one might think! (Egad – angles!) I do plan to do more of them. Not sure if I’ll finish this one or waltz on to the next thing.
Books and Cats, at least the name, was inspired by an extremely silly video called Boots and Cats. I STRONGLY suggest you stop watching when the bees show up. Particularly if you don’t like bees. But before that, the boots and cats are surprisingly mesmerizing. Possibly you are one of the 1.3 million people who have already watched it!
In other news, my last post did not seem to get emailed to any people following this blog. So, if you are one of the people and you didn’t get it, please check your spam. And apologies for the technical difficulties! I think I will be trying to find a new widget for followers because this is not the first problem.
Thanks for visiting! And please double check your link at Illustration Friday if you’ve entered. Lots of bad links last week!
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