Ice Maiden and a Magical Fish for IF

Kuura the Ice Maiden, 4×6 Copics, fine liners, gel pen

In an attempt to dovetail Illustration Friday with my 100 Maidens Project, an Ice Maiden with a bit of a steampunk twist. (The eyepiece was initially supposed to be more snowflake-like. Alas!) If you look at the progress slideshow you’ll see how much I messed with this. To death. Particularly with the gel pen. On the other hand, I kind of like her in the end. For the topic “Freeze” at Illustration Friday.

Kuura* is a Maiden of Ice who lives in a frozen palace at the bottom of the sea. Her favorite companion is a  magical fish called Phylliss who delivers messages across the world. Phylliss likes to play racing games with young dolphins and manta rays when she’s not working. She was made for a trade at

Phyllis in the Deep, 2.5″ x 3.5″ Copics

[portfolio_slideshow size=large]

Thanks for visiting!

*Kuura means frost in Finnish.


28 thoughts on “Ice Maiden and a Magical Fish for IF

    1. The Beast Tender Post author

      Copics, fine liners and lately lots of white gel pen. Sometimes too much. ;)

  1. Rod MacGregor

    I think ice queens had a problem with a black eye she got from a racing manta ray…she can’t put ice on it whe has to put fire…silly woman put on too much heat and melted her poor eye right away…no shes got a patch…is that right?

  2. Creations By Mit

    Both beautiful, but I LOVE that fish! I’ve always appreciated a purple-green color combination, & I love how he is so ornate, and yet, still most definitely a fish!

    1. The Beast Tender Post author

      You are too kind! Perhaps it will lessen my mystique if I tell you that many of those layers are my attempts to cover mistakes in previous layers. ;)

  3. Elika

    what lovely paintings! :) Phylliss sounds so cool! wish I could see what kind of msgs she delivers … don’t u want to know?!

  4. koosje

    Wow I like that ice maiden! I wouldn’t worry too much about the eye patch she’s beautiful! Perfect how you combined all those shades of blue – she really is icey! or is she just a real cool maiden? ;)

    Phyllis certainly is a fish with style! Those colours she’s wearing are beautiful, and she looks like she’s a piece of jewelry. Does she realize she’s a fish? I think it’s awesome someone gets her for a trade.

  5. hedwig

    Your fish looks very spacy and mysterious! The lady in blue is really different from the lumbering herd as I know it. She looks very freezy!

  6. Karen Sagovac

    Very icy maiden indeed! Especially her icy glare (the attitude!). I think the eye piece has a slightly sea anemone flowerish feel to it? Love the purple and green fish – fantastic textures and pattern detail… :)

  7. jkharney

    Really nice work. I was never able to get pens to work for me…even with layers I was never able to fully cover all the mistakes. I love dropping in on your site to see everything you are working on and all of the story behind it…and the working drawings are great too! Nicely done!

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