Elaine and the Bachelors, for Illustration Friday

Three Bachelor Snowmen

Three Bachelor Snowmen and the Fair Elaine
Each 2.5″ x 3.5″ Copics, fine liners, white gel pen

For “Snow” at Illustration Friday.

This is the story of three dapper bachelor snowmen, all vying for the fair Elaine. Join us in Episode One as Alfred (with the extremely fine top hat), hatches a plan to heat the apartments of his two rivals, Leo (in the blue) and Grumby.

I took no process scans of these creatures! However, here are two more ATCs I did recently that I really dig (and for which I have some progress scans – apologies for the hair on scan 12)!

Noise Monster and Ursula the Priestess ATCs
Each 2.5″ x 3.5″, Copics, fine liners, white gel pen

Jangle is a particularly irritating little noise monster. He rustles papers and makes other small noises whose source you can never find! Fortunately he only stays in the same house for one day.

Descended from a long line of priestess healers born with elaborate facial tattoos, Ursula left the cloister and founded a small alpaca farm. She sometimes fosters girls who help with the flock while she prepares tinctures and various healing balms for the local community. Ursula is Maiden Number 45. Holy cow, 45!

AND ONE MORE THING!  A lovely person called Bettina has interviewed me for her site! If you have a moment, take a look! I don’t sound too dorky (I don’t think).

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47 thoughts on “Elaine and the Bachelors, for Illustration Friday

  1. Amanda Pollard

    Love, love, love them! :D Elaine is one lucky snowlady to have such a bevy (I wonder, does that ever apply to anything/one other than beauties…?) of handsome suitors vying for her affections! X

    Congrats on the interview, too!

  2. linda (dots n doodles)

    I want Leo to win Elaine’s heart. He looks so cool with his aviator goggles. I think she would have fun with him. This is such a fabulous story line, you could make a whole icy world for them.

    Congrats on a great interview as well.

  3. clara nilles

    Wonderfully Festive…..really like the tattoo lady too. AND read your Artist Spotlight……so inspiring! Really nice ….congrats….and some of your best images to boot!

  4. nini

    I love these portraits! They make a perfect Christmas card too and the story…. hahaha awsome! Please don’t forget to update us on what is happening (since you got us all curious now).

    I’m cheering for Leo :D

    1. The Beast Tender Post author

      Thank you so much for stopping by nini! It seems clear from the comments, and a few vague musings from Elaine herself, that Leo is the frontrunner if not already the chosen one. (This will come as quite a surprise to Alfred, who often gets what he wants on the strength of his very cool hat alone. I’m sure he and Grumby will each find a nice snow girl one day.

  5. ellis.illus

    *wow* these are all hypercool (not only in one sense!) snowmen and ladies! thank you for sharing – and thanks for your nice comment on my blog :-)
    have a wonderful evening!


  6. The Beast Tender Post author

    Thank you so much for all the nice comments! As mentioned a few comments above, Leo (with the goggles) is the clear frontrunner, if not already the chosen one. (Elaine may keep them waiting through the holiday season… for fear of causing holiday sadness and not for the additional presents, I’m sure. But the snowy heart of Elaine is a curious thing, and I do not pretend to know it.)

  7. Maike Bohlen

    Hmmh, like what you are doing. It is silly, funny, great and fearless.Will come back to spy ( and will do a steampunk bird the next days, i liked the dog so much.) Can you hear me whispering: “ah, a good idea, a good site, must start immediately…”

  8. poppylocke

    I love these colourful snowmen and their story! I agree that Leo looks like the best choice for Elaine, but I’m worried that he looks so friendly and trusting that he might fall foul to Alfred’s cunning plan flat-warming plan..

    You have a wonderful style and imagination (loving the maidens!) and your pictures really make me smile :) I’m glad that I’ve discovered your site!

  9. Yara

    They’re all so beautiful! I prefer the snowlady although the sun seems too hot. Very creative the way you covered her with a shawl :) Very feminine!

  10. roberto

    Hi Cindy, this is excellent, as always but this time I came to tell you that i am wishing you a beautiful and creative (even much more) next year!!!!!!!!!!! :)
    And a lot of happiness!!!!!!

  11. Alicia

    Love the snowmen Cindy and my son agrees! Thank you for stopping by my blog the other day, I managed to post in IF and say thank you to you for inspiring that with your comments. It has been an incredibly busy last 2 months and I have missed visiting your blog, I have to catch up! These are great!!!

  12. Laurie C.

    You’ve really found a niche that showcases your beautiful work. It really shines on these little ACT cards! Each one is a little gem. I love the snowmen and the Fair Elaine. Fabulous!!

  13. Leslie White

    These snowmen are so cool! My mind is reeling with all you can do that you have not, as yet, tried Cindy. Your creativity shines through on everything!

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