Guardian Clan Cat ATC for Illustration Friday

Son-Ji the Guardian
2.5″ x 3.5″ Copics, fine liners, white gel pen

Son-Ji is a ranking member of the guardian clan who watch over the Bridge at the Edge of the World. Both her brothers chose to leave the territory and seek their fortune on the other side of The Wonder Woods. Only Son-Ji inherited the Guardian’s Gift.

Submitted for the topic “Edge” at Illustration Friday. I intend to actually draw the bridge, but it won’t be in time for this topic! (Perhaps if there’s a “bridge” topic. I should submit that. Hmm…)

Here’s one more art card I did recently, for the “Kings and Queens” swap at I really like the color and style of this one, though the crown is not sitting quite properly in her hair/on her head. Queen Hana is Maiden Number 55 (and I am up to 60)!

Queen Hana
2.5″ x 3.5″, Copics, fine liners, white gel pen

Thank you so much for stopping by! I hope we all have a wonderful year with Illustration Friday and whatever other projects we’ve got hidden up our magic little sleeves. :)

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18 thoughts on “Guardian Clan Cat ATC for Illustration Friday

  1. chelle hanna

    What an attitude! I love the color combinations, and the way you post how your illustrations come together.

    1. The Beast Tender Post author

      Oh dear! I will look into it (though that hasn’t helped much in the past!). It seems some people get emails and some don’t. I should probably consider using a new widget, but I’m afraid of losing more people. Please feel free to re-subscribe as many times and as often as you like. Haha. So sorry for the trouble!

  2. hedwig

    What a nice color palet! The yellow is so tigerlike. The cat looks strict but just. Being a guardian she has to make a fierce impression, but perhaps in her free time, she likes to be petted.

  3. minnemie

    Cindy, I maintain that you need to put all your wonderful and wacky creatures and stories in a book! You have the most wonderful imagination:-) Love it!

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