I have encountered some obstacles in my return to acrylics for 30 Paintings in 30 Days! I started late, the bitter (Chicago area) cold is sapping my will to art, no internet for multiple days TWICE in two weeks (now fixed! <knock wood>), and very busy at my regular job.
It is now Day 11 and I am going to claim 8 Paintings! (Even though some aren’t quite complete.) My favorite so far, which I would prefer to work on more but can’t because it’s only #8, is the silly creature above, made in a promise to Ann D’Angelo that I would try something odd and whimsical today.
I am trying to appreciate this challenge for getting me to paint a lot, even though I mostly feel these paintings are unfinished as I race on to the next one. But that’s ok!
The previous paintings were a series of ungulates in blue on red. I ended up trashing the camel (in the middle) after becoming very frustrated with it. Which is bound to happen if you don’t paint for 10+ months! The sheep (right side) has some nice qualities. But I am moving on.
I hope your January is going nicely! I hope mine ends more nicely than it started!
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I’m glad you continued to work, I love this orange rabbit beast.
Woohoo! You made something odd and whimsical, and I totally love it! Sadly, I do not know the names of all the rabbit bits, but I will tell you the many bits and bobs that appeal to me: Those big, gorgeous eyes with their accompanying lush lashes, the bunny kissing bits under the nose, the super-long whimsical bunny neck (a stroke of genius, all by itself!), and the tiny bunny chin.
You made a great background for it, too!
Even if one paints every day, not everything works….;) I think you’re doing quite well!
Love the wascally wrabbit.
My goodness! Did I know you painted in acrylics before? I don’t think so. I really like what you do with them. The rabbit is “come to life”! I like the feel of body and a little texture you get with them that are not evident with the markers. So cool!
wonderful to see your animals
they are fun colors to work with, really makes them pop to life
Hi :) Have to say it has been getting easier to write on the IPad now that I have done the letters & nos. stuff!
Sorry for all the problems with the internet-no fun & I know that frustration well!! As for the orange Rabbit -why not He or She is a cutie!! & I’ll bet you’ll catch up with the 30 – there are 31 days in Jan. you know!!
Love, Mom
Know what you mean…….cold means sluggish including artwork. These are a nice new touch on styles…..and love the bright colors. Ungulates are interesting group to paint……am working on goats myself…..
Goats! Can’t wait to see em! :)