Hello August. I have Plans for you.

Happy August, fine visitor people! I had this plan that for July I would make certain changes and meet certain small goals. Most of that didn’t happen, but some did, and that was far better than none. Now it is August, and I am considering July a test run. I know that is all rather vague! But this is an art blog so here is some recent art. ;)

Skye, Lou Blue, Mistress of Ceremonies
Each 2.5″ x 3.5″ Copics, fine liners, gel pen

Two Cat Princesses and One Mushroom Princess
Each 2.5″ x 3.5″ Copics, fine liners, gel pen

Faces and more faces. One thing I am looking into this month is life drawing classes, which is I think the right thing to do for my art. Sal Schiebe continues to do life drawing and she already has crazy enviable figure drawing skills. I think it’s time!

Of course, I missed signups for the class at the local art center by two weeks and will have to wait until another starts. I haven’t yet found just a drop-in life drawing class, but I shall continue to search.

Thanks for stopping by! Some progress pics below. :D

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7 thoughts on “Hello August. I have Plans for you.

  1. Elena Caravela

    LOVE the cat princesses! They confer the elegance of a cat with an added royal attitude!

  2. bella sinclair

    Wow, your imagination never stops running. Fantastic! Hey, I want a big top hat , too! You are just never ending awesomeness.

  3. clara

    Another set of beautiful ladies! Hmmm……vague goals……you just keep us hanging on what your up to! If its art related…….would to hear about them at some point!! :-))

  4. Ruth Hayes

    I think I like Skye the best. good luck with your drawing class. Sometimes just enrolling forces you to make the time to experiment and learn.

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