Tag Archives: atc

A Story That Was

This is a story I wrote once about two roommates and their cat.  [Technically not a story at all. Would not even qualify as a short short. But that’s ok.] These are the two roommates:

Dean, a steampunk goat and Chaz, a steampunk llama
Each 2.5″ x 3.5″ pen and ink, circa approximately October 2011


Dean starting inventing eyepieces in seventh grade. The first had a rudimentary long-focus device which he made in order to better see Eliza, a popular and adorable Nubian, across the playground. Yes, of course they had a playground in seventh grade. These are farmyard type creatures, after all. Need their sunshine. Just like people actually, but that’s another story, isn’t it?

It is many years later now, and in that funny way life has of going in circles, Dean and Eliza are now dating. She doesn’t even remember him from seventh grade. Which he couldn’t be happier about.

Dean is also Chaz’s roommate (Chaz is an inventor and a llama). They have a blue and green cat named Phil who has about as much interest in their inventions as he has in other cats, which is to say, absolutely none.


Chaz the blue llama is an inventor, first. The bird shaped device he is wearing over one eye is made of leather, brass and various metals. From a purely aesthetic standpoint, he is particularly proud of the tiny wing fashioned from an orange washer. The mechanism, with a cable connected to a power source in his front pocket, has both long-focus and enhanced night vision capabilities.

And this is the cat:

Phil the Cat
2.5″ x 3.5″ Art Card, pen and ink


This is Phil, a serious, colorful cat with one green eye and one golden eye . He lives with a llama (Chaz) and a goat (Dean). Phil is interested in tin foil and the mythology of the cat goddess Bast. Phil’s theory is that Bast was a space traveler whose ship experienced a major electrical malfunction that not only forced her landing in the Nile Valley, but caused her to bestow upon humans the scientific advances that she intended to give to cats.

Phil does not like other cats, believing they squander their superior intellect in the misguided pursuit of the perfect sun spot.

I was going through some older Etsy sales recently (in the case of Dean, above  – October 2012) and ran across my little tale about Dan, the steampunk goat, and Chaz, a steampunk llama. And their cat, Phil. And I realized I had forgotten it. So part of the reason for this post is to remember! But I thought you might like to read it, too.

Thanks for reading this far! You’re the best. ;)


A Dogs and Ponies Show, in Copics

Niles with Fez, and Greta Dog
Each 2.5″ x 3.5″ ATCs, Copics on Bristol

Like many of you these past weeks, I got sick! I think it is a nasty cold and not the flu. Still – arrrgh! I have been trying through the kleenex to complete some ATCs, including these two silly canines – one or both of which may join my Art Card Dogs project!

Niles is a bit of a hipster dog. He doesn’t even mind the label. The fez was a joke from a friend, and Niles thinks it’s an even better joke to keep wearing it!

Greta is a big fan of 80’s metal hair bands like Cinderella and Nelson. She doesn’t like the music much – she just likes the hair! She has recently dyed her ears purple.

I’ve also completed a couple horses for my first hosted swap at illustratedatcs.com – horses! Holy cow, have I had trouble with the horses. Many sketches went awry. So far I’ve come up with these slightly less realistic ponies. One day perhaps I’ll share the ones who did not make it. ;)

Luanne & Nelson ATCs
Each 2.5″ x 3.5″ Copics on Bristol

LuAnne is a bit shy but very sweet. Nelson is a bit of  modest prankster and also a big hit at black light parties.

And one more thing! I was recently interviewed by a brand new ATC site for kids, atcsjr.com. Maybe you know some young folks who would enjoy it! The interview is here. Thanks for stopping by!

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Three Copic Art Cards, a Fae and Two Cats

Post #150. Where does the time go?!

Amy Fae
2.5″ x 3.5″ markers, pen and ink

Amy belongs to the Northern River Pixie Clan. The Northerners can speak to more of the animals than any of the other clans, though they are poorer at gardening and plant speak. Amy has a particular affinity for small wildcats. And she is Maiden #67.

Next, more cats! For a cat swap at illustratedatcs.com. (I may even do an art card cat project after the dogs. Or maybe it will be sheep. Or llamas. Or farm animals. Oh dear.)

The Patron Cat of Saints, and Ed Cat
Each 2.5″ x 3.5″ art cards. Copic markers.

First scrapped title: Enigmati-cat. Second scrapped title: Saint Gretchen.They call her Gretchen though none know her true name. She has been depicted in holy ancient artworks spanning two centuries and sightings continue to this day, usually near a site of religious significance.

The grey cat with the fancy tie is Ed Cat. He does not like you. Or rather, he wants you to think he does not like you, to retain his haughty cat street cred. But really he does like you, and he will sneak onto your lap (or possibly your head), if you ignore him properly.

I really must get back to Illustration Friday! I don’t know the word yet but I will definitely do the next one! Thanks for stopping in!

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More Goofy Art Card Dogs in Copics

Clockwise from top left: Beatnik Bruce, Flower the Environmentalist, Eddison, Professor Gabriel Each 2.5" x 3.5" art cards. Copic markers on smooth Bristol.

Clockwise from top left:
Beatnik Bruce, Flower the Environmentalist, Eddison, Professor Gabriel
Each 2.5″ x 3.5″ art cards. Copic markers on smooth Bristol.

Bruce started off as a hipster (in the sketch) but his Beat credentials have won out. He’s published three chapbooks of poetry and is a canine lit professor at a tiny liberal bark school.

Flower is an older student working towards a Masters in Environmental Law, and Gabriel was her Sociology 1200 professor. After completing the class, they began meeting socially for coffee.  I understand they are quite smitten with each other at this point.

Eddison is a bit of a mystery because he doesn’t say much. He keeps a beautiful garden however, and is rumored to have a slight crush on the local librarian.

Four new pups for my 30 Art Card dogs project. I am slowly replacing some of the older dogs with newer dogs that better reflect my current ability (and include more detail/accessories). Many of the pups are available in my shop, or possibly visiting for a while in my personal stash before they make it to the shop. ;)

Speaking of current ability, I thought I’d post some dogs from the very first art cards I did about two years ago, having just gotten back into drawing after many years away. Apparently I was quite fond of green backgrounds then!

Three Early Dog ATCs
Each 2.5″ x 3.5″, markers, pen and ink.

I’d say it’s quite a striking difference! Practicing does pay off people, so don’t give up! Lots of progress pics below. Thanks so much for stopping by.

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Art Card Dogs in Many Colors

Astro Dog and Pierce with Pipe
Each 2.5″ x 3.5″ art cards. Copics, pens, gel pen.

Astro was teased for a few years at school until it became clear the girls thought his flowered ears were adorable. He had a lot of attractive lady friends! Finally he settled down with a pink dog called Sophie who shared his love of classical music and mud baths (not necessarily together – but sometimes).

Pierce is a (little bit of a) snob. He wouldn’t even give me two minutes to answer a few questions for this bio! Handsome devil, though. It’s probably what led to his bad attitude. Or perhaps he’s painfully shy. In which case it wasn’t nice of me to call him a snob. Not nice at all.

Rollo the Skeptic and Walter the Scrivener
Each 2.5″ x 3.5″ art cards. Copics, pen, gel pen.

Rollo is not a professional skeptic, but he has always been suspicious of food and his food bowl. Have you ever known one of those dogs who won’t eat anything until he’s sniffed at it for a minute? Rollo’s like that, except he will sniff it for much longer. And if it’s big enough, he will carry it around for a while too. Drool is usually involved.

Walter has taken the name “Walter the Scrivener”. He hasn’t actually read “Bartelby the Scrivener”, but he likes the idea of a quiet individual working at a serious, if repetitive, job. It’s a bit of a secret identity, really. Everyone should have a secret identity.

I’ve been trading away SO many cards that I decided recently to put more in my shop, which is where all these went! I’ve been experimenting with the eyes for dramatic effect, with some success, but still working on it.  Thanks for visiting!

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The Elusive Painted Bulbfish for Illustration Friday

NOTE: I am trying a new email subscription service because the last one stopped working. Please accept my apologies if you get more than one email for this post, though I hope to avoid that. If you are signed up, you should still be signed up, but let me know if you don’t get an email for this post. And if you want to sign up, you can do so on the right side of this page. Thank you!

Painted Bulbfish, 9″ x 6″
Copics and Microns. Digital background.

For “Ocean” at Illustration Friday, I offer to you a glimpse of the elusive Painted Bulbfish, a member of the order of Anglerfish. As far as scientists have been able to tell, the bulb-like lure which hangs from the forehead is not for catching prey, but for illuminating rocky growths on which the moss it eats lives. The distinctive pattern on this individual is due to artistic license, as no live specimen has ever been witnessed.

More items recently completed: two sunflower princesses.

Leona of the Sun and a Sunflower Princess
Each 2.5″ x 3.5″ art cards, Copics, Microns and gel pens.

The image of Leona is carved into the largest and most ancient tree stump in The Wonder Woods. She was a princess who captured the light of the sun on her skin and left a trail of glittering motes wherever she went, especially in the summer months. This artist has taken taken some liberties, as the image on the tree has not the slightest hint of its original color. To her right is an artist’s rendering of her daughter, the Sunflower Princess.

Lots of progress pics below. Thank you so much for stopping by!

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Guardian Clan Cat ATC for Illustration Friday

Son-Ji the Guardian
2.5″ x 3.5″ Copics, fine liners, white gel pen

Son-Ji is a ranking member of the guardian clan who watch over the Bridge at the Edge of the World. Both her brothers chose to leave the territory and seek their fortune on the other side of The Wonder Woods. Only Son-Ji inherited the Guardian’s Gift.

Submitted for the topic “Edge” at Illustration Friday. I intend to actually draw the bridge, but it won’t be in time for this topic! (Perhaps if there’s a “bridge” topic. I should submit that. Hmm…)

Here’s one more art card I did recently, for the “Kings and Queens” swap at illustratedatcs.com. I really like the color and style of this one, though the crown is not sitting quite properly in her hair/on her head. Queen Hana is Maiden Number 55 (and I am up to 60)!

Queen Hana
2.5″ x 3.5″, Copics, fine liners, white gel pen

Thank you so much for stopping by! I hope we all have a wonderful year with Illustration Friday and whatever other projects we’ve got hidden up our magic little sleeves. :)

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Happy New Year to all my visitors and art blog pals!

As I suspect may be the case with many of you, I have been trying to climb out of the holiday doldrums. Happened last year at this time, too. And it’s not like I have nothing to post. I did all of those secret santa things that I couldn’t post because they were secret. So I am posting my favorites!

Jillian Calavera2.5" x 3.5" ATC, Copic markers.

Jillian Calavera
2.5″ x 3.5″ ATC, Copic markers.

This is my favorite of all the Calavera/Day of the Dead girls I’ve done (which granted is only about a dozen, and all Art Card size.) I wanted to post it as soon as it was done, but it was a secret!

10 Brown Lemur 5x7

Brown Lemur & Friend
5″ x 7″ Copics on mustard-tone card stock.

This is my favorite of the (slightly) larger art I did for secret santa. It was tricky picking the colors because the mustard tone of the paper changed everything. In the end I think the detail on the chameleon’s face might overpower the lemur a bit, but I was very satisfied with the finished composition and color scheme.

And finally, three more ATCs I thought were pretty neat:

Three secret santa ATCs

Maria Calavera, Young Dreaming Tree, Alien Ambassador
Each 2.5″ x 3.5″ ATCs, Copics on smooth Bristol board.

Progress pics for some of these below.  Thanks so much for visiting my first post of 2013! I hope we all have a very peaceful and art-filled new year!


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Monsters and Mermaids for Illustration Friday

Jeremiah and Devon ACEOs
Each 2.5″ x 3.5″ Copics, fine liners, white gel pen

On the easternmost edge of The Wonder Woods is a glowing marsh with a peculiar variety of phosphorescent lichen called Witchlight, which many creatures find quite delicious! Those that help themselves to a bellyful of the stuff emit a yellowish glow, particularly in the cheeks, though only for a couple hours.

For the topic “Glow” at Illustration Friday. (Both original monster ACEOs are available in my Etsy shop – link at upper right! They were inspired by a “Little Monsters” ATC swap at illustratedatcs.com.)

Nari and Ivy ATCs
Each 2.5″ x 3.5″ Copics, fine liners, white gel pen

Another enormous colony of Witchlight lichen is said to be located in the dark depths of the Story Sea, or so it’s told. Only mermaids and other deep sea creatures have ever seen it, and as you know, it’s hard to get a straight answer from a mermaid (particularly a cultish Goth one, like Nari or Ivy, above).

Nari and Ivy were made for a “Goth Mermaids” ATC swap at illustratedatcs.com.

Thanks for stopping in! I hope your holidays have been, and continue to be, super great!

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Four More of the 100 Maidens

Cerys, the Hope Queen and Goth Girl Tess ATCsEach 2.5" x 3.5" Copics, fine liners, white gel pen

Cerys, the Hope Queen and Goth Girl Tess ATCs
Each 2.5″ x 3.5″ Copics, fine liners, white gel pen

Holy cow, will the ATC madness ever end? (I hope not.) If you’ve been here before you may know I started a project called 100 Maidens on Flickr to catalog my adventures in illustrating maidens (mostly maiden faces, truth be told, but I had been avoiding doing people for years). These are four of those maidens, who now number 49!

Cerys never wanted the crown but when all the other options were exhausted, she wore it justly and little complained. And so she kept Hope alive for another generation.  Made for a “Kings and Queens” swap at illustratedatcs.com.

This is Tess. A few years older, she is a bit like a den mother to the local Goth scene. She is a bartender at the The Shady Maiden and occasionally sells mysterious potions out of a very small room in the back. None of the thieves who occasionally break in hunting for her stash can ever find the entry to the room. Made for a trade at atcsforall.com.

Natasha's New Hat and The Wizard's Daughter ATCsEach 2.5" x 3.5" Copics, fine liners, white gel pen

Natasha’s New Hat and The Wizard’s Daughter ATCs
Each 2.5″ x 3.5″ Copics, fine liners, white gel pen

Natasha has always been drawn to strange hats and in her new apartment she has created The Misfit Hat Room. People who visit the room often describe a strange craving for pastries after spending time there. Made for a swap at atcsforall.com

Dahlia has picked up quite a few tricks from assisting her wizard father for so many years. She does not fear walking in the woods alone, and has twice foreseen events that allowed her family and their animals to avoid danger. Made for a trade.

You guys! While I was making this post I was looking through my site stats and saw that several people had come from a particular page, so of course I went to see. And here’s what I found. A big thank you to Dogster!

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